Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Best Con Ever!

AaaaaaahhhhhhCHOO! :cough: :cough:
Boy, it's dusty in here!
I didn't realize it had been this long since I'd blogged. I've written so many -- in my head! No, seriously, I write them in my head, I just need to get better at getting them here. BUT, I didn't come here to make excuses. I came to talk about how AWESOME the 2016 GCLS Con was!
The Best Con Ever!
Yes, I know I've said that before about (multiple) previous Cons, but the thing is, I hope I can continue to say that for EACH AND EVERY Con going forward! It speaks to the development and growth of the organization that each year just seems to get better and better.
What made this Con so much better? So many things, but, let me just start there.
I do not want us to emulate society; I want US to set the bar of what enjoying life looks like, what absolute acceptance looks like, and what collaboration and making things happen together looks like. I want *acceptance to replace what white privilege is in today’s society.
On a panel at the conference, a friend of mine put it best. She answered, *from her experienced point of view (she is white, people, do I HAVE to say it, lol) in response to a question about white privilege; white privilege is not having to think about it. It just is. Replace ‘white privilege’ with ‘acceptance’ (or, diversity, if you must), and THAT is what I want the Golden Crown Literary Organization to show the world.
As another friend might say, this is a bar I KNOW we can hurdle!
So, this year, we did well, but I know we can do even better! Join me? Please.
There is so much more I could say, but actually, *I'm supposed to be writing a book, …and I have procrastinated enough. LOL
Aloha (yep, that’s hello, love, and good bye), for now.

I don't know. Here it is.   Maybe it only works on PC, but not MAC. Maybe it's jealous of facebook. Maybe I'm losing my mind. But, here is the blog.
You tell me.


  1. Good post. thanks for sharing with us.

    1. Wow, Lily, how did you even found this! I haven't been on Blogger, or revisited these posts for ages. I have though, spent a lot of time thinking about this topic since our most recent Con in Pittsburg this July. Thank you for bringing it back to my attention. Were you there?
      Thank you for your kind words, and I hope you have a wonderful day.
